Well - time sure flies. I always have good intentions to update this blog, and then life gets in the way. I'm 5 weeks off shoulder surgery and doing pretty well. I'm not making jewelry yet (you may notice the shop is empty), but hope to be back to it in just a few more weeks. Also, I'm sure two jobs in two different cities with two different houses probably has something to do with it my inability to keep up with my blog. Of course, when I get home, I like to spend my time sewing, quilting, cooking, jewelry-making and my new hobby - Pinterest. Seriously, I am hooked. Yesterday I was out scavenging for wood pallets for my next gardening project:
And yes, I'm also searching for just the right-sizes rocks. I mean, how cute is this? It will match my rock turtle.

And then there's all the quilting inspiration on
Pinterest. Oh, and did I forget to mention the recipes? If you haven't got involved with
Pinterest, proceed with caution. You may find yourself spending countless hours pinning images, and more hours scouring what your friends have pinned.
On an unrelated note, it sure seems like spring in Northern California. We hit a high of 76 degrees today. The trees are in full bloom and it smells soooooo good outside. I understand there may be a change in the weather tomorrow, but that's ok. I'm not going to let it spoil my spring time mood.
Sending you warm wishes until my next post,
I love those! I'm jealous of your weather. I left Northern California last winter and ended up in Massachusetts. There's snow outside. I don't like snow. Or cold. I'll pretend I'm there. *ahchoo* Good pretending, right? :)